Blogger Widgets Whatever I want to write about: Uniformity

Friday, July 6, 2012


Assalamualaikum to my future readers,

Today marked my first day as a blogger. I am not too sure what to write about or what to talk about. But well, since Facebook and Twitter are not giving me much privacy as I need, therefore, I convert to blog. I just hope that blogging would give me more privacy. Amin. :)

As for my first post, I would like to share about my thoughts on our country education system as I, myself, are a student. I believe all students would have issues on this 'uniformity' things. But, first thing first, what is uniformity? Uniformity in terms of what? I know it's not a big issue for some people but it's a big issue for me since it bother me a lot. -,-

Personally, I think uniformity is very important to any system in any country. Can you imagine life or world without system? CHAOS! That's for sure! But, it's not about that. Rest assure. Uniformity in my context is about the syllabus in the education in most institutions. Maybe. Well, I don't know about the rest. What I really wonder is that how one institution can have different syllabus and used different textbooks? Some branches use textbooks but some use only manuals according to the lecturer's preference. I admit that using textbooks are good since it comprise most of the syllabus but because it is so thick, it takes forever to finish reading it. On the other side, using manuals is like the easiest way to finish up one whole subject in just one night! But the worst part is, it is too simple since it's like a summary for every chapter. The real issue here is, 'How can different branches using different study material yet sitting for same paper?' I don't see any logic there. So, this resulted in different formula being used and different theories. I even got into heat debate with my friends over this issue since we learn from different lecturers that have different teaching styles. 

That is all I want to talk about. I know, I am just an average student, I have no right to question about anything but at least I can let out my thoughts in here. I just hope that one day, the other side will realize and overcome this issue by standardizing the study material to avoid any dissatisfaction among students. 

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